Home Edders become Mappers

‘Home Edders become Mappers project’ is a project that empowers young people who are home educated to have their say about where they live by becoming ‘Mappers’ themself.

I am extremely passionate about making connections and offering opportunities to participate in the Public Map Platform to the home education community, as I believe their opinions and experiences are important and should be valued. Their experiences of Ynys Môn will add and provide another perspective of our Island, widening the information that may impact/influence future planning on Ynys Môn.
I have taught many home-educated young people over the years in my role as a private Art and Design tutor. I am extremely pleased to be able to give back to the community by offering and delivering free workshops through my role as a Public Map Platform Community Mapper.

‘Home Edders become Mappers project’ aims to create a group of young mappers who can continue to map in the future, hoping to ensure longevity and nurture the legacy of the Public Map Platform.
Within the workshops so far, Home Edders have explored ‘What a map is and What a map can be used for’ and as a group we have discussed and challenged any preconceived ideas of maps. The Home Edders have also started to create their own Umap layers about their individual experiences of Ynys Môn. Their Umap layers depict their experiences, memorable moments, places of interest, opinions of places and locations on the island. One Home Edd has been mapping where they step on a jelly fish, where they like to shop and places they have taken part in running. They are also learning how to navigate platforms such as OpenStreetMap, Wikimedia & Kobo.
Whilst the workshops and data contribute towards the Public Map Platform, the Home Edders are also developing fantastic resources for education. The workshops provided opportunities for these young people to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of: digital mapping, map reading and interpretation, their local area, a sense of place, self-reflection, the value and impact of sharing their individual opinions and experiences with others, and conceptual thinking to depict their experiences visually on a map.

Future workshops will involve exploring places of significance to them, places that connect with feelings and emotions giving a hierarchy to places that enrich their identity and sense of self and individuality.